Archive for the Tag 'venture capital'

How to Impress a Venture Capitalist

Point: Get to the Point FastJason Mendelson

Story: Jason Mendelson, Managing Director of the Foundry Group, gave the following advice last night to entrepreneurs seeking funding:

  1. Send an executive summary, not a business plan – VCs are short on time. Grab their attention quickly. They don’t want to wade through a 90-page business plan at the get-go.
  2. Know your business better than anyone.
  3. Don’t ask for an NDA – that’s a rookie mistake. VCs look at so many business plans a year that if they signed an NDA, they’d almost certainly get sued.
  4. Have a 3-sentence elevator pitch about your business ready if you meet the VC informally.
  5. Be smart, but don’t be arrogant. Saying your product “has no competitors” is not believable.

Action: Do your homework before you approach the VC. VCs like Jason enjoy talking with entrepreneurs informally, such as at Boulder Open Coffees, but don’t have the fundraising conversation before you’re ready. When you are ready, be crisp and concise in your communication.

For more about Jason Mendelson, read his blog:
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